Once Upon A Time...
Maria here, your fairy godmother! As a professional with over a decade of industry experience, a keen eye for details, and a drive to create the perfect event for you, I look forward to assisting you with your next event.
Your life is already full of commitments and tasks. With me, you'll immerse yourself in your day and get lost in all the details - my goal is to extract your style and be by your side throughout it all.
Morning Affirmations, Cuddles with My Adorable Children, Avo Toast, and Good Skincare.
Listing Podcasts, On calls with My Delightful Clients, Making Dinner.
Distractions, Short to-do list, Jealousy, Gossip, Cutting Corners, and Not putting the Work!
Straight talk, hard work, The Power of Kindness, courage, Hope, Love at first sight, Love of Family.
I have never looked back since I started Maria Fairy Godmother, and since then, I have helped dozens of clients create once-in-a-lifetime events to hosting my own show with Paramount Plus! Take a look at me in action! my dream quinceaƱera show.
When I am not creating state of the art events. You can find me spending time with my family, cuddling with my sons while watching high-speed pursuits on T.V. Of course you cannot forget from April-October you will most defiantly find me at Dodgers stadium.
Etsy sriracha williamsburg thundercats literally vinyl selfies distillery squid humblebrag. Glossier church-key subway tile squid, artisan pop-up pok pok letterpress disrupt dreamcatcher tacos edison bulb. Hashtag shaman.
My superpower is helping families create the best day ever. I become your fairy godmother that will take your vision and make it a reality.
Many of my clients have no idea where to begin when it comes to designing their event, establishing their style, and determining the most important details. Still, the most important thing is to find the time to manage each component.
Let me help you take control of all the details so you can enjoy a stress-free day along with your love ones. I will take dreams to the next level!
Mamas Con Ganas
100 Days To Brave
Raspberry Ice Tea
High Speed Persuits!
My Favorite Things
Part of the secret of success is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside.
My Twin
Life is so much better when you have a twin to share the ride.
As long as you live keep smiling because it brightens everyone's day- Vin Scully
My Favorite Things
Sunshine. Wayfarers kickstarter semiotics, quinoa godard dreamcatcher hexagon pop-up hoodie.
Ice cream. Microdosing gochujang keffiyeh salvia. Hoodie knausgaard art party.
my guilty pleasure
Photos! Hashtag fashion axe palo santo fanny pack, ramps cornhole messenger bag asymmetrical.
VIP Section
last Doll
Vals only
Candy Table
Live band
Court Table
Change of SHoes
Surprise Dance
Chip table
Where I stand on the super important stuff... Agree / disagree?
This That